Sunday, 20 March 2011

Rad Racer (NES) - Course 1: Sunset Coastline

Footage of the first level, 'Sunset Coastline', from Square's 1987 game 'Rad Racer' for the NES.

"You drive from midday to twilight to dawn, under a vividly changing sky." (Rad Racer manual)

If I had the Power Glove then my score would have been far higher. After all, I love the Power Glove. Its so bad.

"As the last traces of color leave the sky you're hanging out by your new wheels, anxious for the race to start. Transamerica - from the West Coast to the East Coast. Okay. It's time. You jump into the driver's seat, feeling the awesome power beneath you. Stepping through the gears, the cars around you fade into tiny specks in the rear view mirror.

Look out! You're on top of a hairpin curve. Whoa. The tires screech and your heart hits your rib cage, but you make it, laughing. There's only a few more of these 'till you reach the plains.

Then it happens. Another curve hits you in the face. It's too fast. You struggle for the shoulder, but the next thing you know you're catapulting through the air - almost weightless - until your body tears up against the seat belt. Then. All is still.

Not a scratch on you. And the protective ceramic overcoating on your car did the trick - no major damage. You let out a scream, turn the car around, and hit it. There's still time. But you've got to be cool. Alert. You're headed straight for the coast and those glorious checkered flags. Defying the odds again." (Rad Racer manual)

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